I began this theme in a past blog entry since I had a guest remark about certain troubles he faces over shot choice and execution. Specifically,

Making efforts they aren’t 100% dedicated to.

Intentionally missing shots by pondering missing versus contemplating making.

Being trapped in an endless cycle of not venturing back and investigating the current circumstance completely.

You can peruse those remarks and worries here (look to the base to see the remarks).

In Part 1, I presented a portion of the psychological “mechanics” that you should contemplate like shot execution for yourself, versus for an ace and referenced that training was the gem that prompted more prominent consistency and trust in playing the right shot all the more frequently.

In Part 2, I presented tension and how it assumed a vital part in snooker and I gave an illustration of how I decided to zero in rather on shot determination, execution, and my own contemplations as opposed to becoming involved with the match, the rival, or the strain from another person.

In this blog entry, I need to talk a touch more with regards to strain as I might suspect it’s a particularly significant subject to completely investigate. I will then, at that point, present control and how we can handle the tension we feel and apply. In Part 4 of this series, I will cover a strategy and framework that will give you a guide to work with that tackles every one of the issues we usually face as snooker players.

Allow me to ask you an inquiry:

Under which of these circumstances do you feel the most strain?

a. It’s the finals of a significant competition, best of 35, and the edges are tied 17-17. Your rival just scored a 50 break and you are 50-0 down with 51 remaining on the table (3 reds). Every one of the shadings are on their spots. You have an extremely negligible red tight on the pad (which you are probably going to miss even practically speaking) to get in and score. You could miss the went until further notice and play safe. The other two reds are in more open positions and in the event that you miss the minimal red, it’s probable your adversary will pot one of them.

b. It’s the finals of a significant competition, best of 35, and the edges are tied 17-17. You just scored 50 and there is 51 remaining on the table. Every one of the tones are on their spots. There are 3 open reds left yet you can’t get to them now as you didn’t play position effectively from the last tone. You need to play a decent security now. The main sensible security shot you can play will leave a red on yet in minimal position tight on the pad. Your rival would just have the minimal red after you have played the security shot. The other two reds would be effectively accessible in the event that he misses.

Is there a right response to the abovementioned? Not a chance. The real answer is diverse for everybody. We as a whole see things in an unexpected way. Some see the cup half full, and others see the cup half unfilled. Our whole beneficial experience turns out to be important for our dynamic in snooker. We stop and go, protect and assault, in light of our endurance impulses and sentiments. Some prefer to play offense, and others like to play protection. Some may pick choice, some time others pick choice b.

We should investigate every one of the two tension circumstances over a smidgen more.

Choice A – You are 50 down with 51 on (3 reds). There is just a peripheral red accessible right now. In the event that you make it, you can get on the dark and the other two reds are effectively open, however on the off chance that you miss, you are probably going to lose the edge and match.

Suppose that choice an is the place where you feel the most tension. The primary issue you experience is that you realize you should score 3 reds, 3 blacks and every one of the tones to win. The red your rival has left you, be that as it may, is definitely not an optimal shot to start the break however it’s the main hostile shot you have at the present time. On the off chance that you make it, you would absolutely be on the dark, yet on the off chance that you miss – which you are probably going to do even on a training table – you would lose the edge.

The odd thing about the present circumstance is that, paying little mind to trouble, most players actually take the red on. Why would that be?

Certain individuals are just pondering scoring and consider this minor red to be the one they should play.

Certain individuals take it on in light of the fact that they feel that the more they stand by, the less possibility they have and they simply don’t have any desire to miss this (remote possibility.

Certain individuals simply try it out in light of the fact that they are unexpectedly excessively hopeful with regards to their own capacities.

Certain individuals feel such an excess of strain that they simply need to make the effort on so they can deliver themselves of the tension.

Certain individuals disparage their adversary and feel that the repercussions are not extreme enough.

All of the above reasons are circumstances under which we will take a stab at the red despite the fact that it’s a low rate shot. Notwithstanding ability, the chances simply aren’t in support of ourselves. This current chance isn’t one you made, it’s one the rival has left you.

Is it workable for you to play safe and foster a possibility on one of three reds yourself? We should consider it somewhat more.

Imagine a scenario where I was there with you and we could plunk down and have a conversation about the present circumstance you face now. How about we thoroughly consider it. How about we acknowledge that it’s an extreme shot under any conditions and your shot at winning are thin from this red at the present time.

How about we think about another choice: that you miss this red for the time being and play safe. Do you want to recapture control of the table and procure a superior shot? Do you think you get an opportunity of winning a security fight and holding your adversary back from scoring on any of the 3 leftover reds? Are the chances somewhat better? Despite the fact that, you face a difficult task, the chances may be more in support of yourself if you miss this red for the present.

The legitimate methodology paying little mind to the strain you are under is to assess the chances and act likewise. Your essential point ought to be to take control and score in your own particular manner. That is the correct way of playing this game.

I need you to think about two vital things: strain and control. In this situation, pressure is being applied upon you to score, and control is something that has been removed – basically until further notice. The adversary is at present directing the terms using strain and control. If you can recapture control, notwithstanding, using a brilliant wellbeing shot, you could possibly turn the chances around.

Comprehension and utilizing control and tension in support of yourself is the greatest mystery in this game. In the event that you have control of the table and command over the shots your adversary plays, then, at that point, the tension falls off your shoulders and gets moved to the rival. Rather than being taken care of, you are in charge and on second thought of feeling pressure, you are applying it.

What shot would I play under these conditions? Well since I realize the tension is on to score, and I’m not in charge, I will miss that red. I would prefer not to take it on, yet. I need to take it on when I’m in charge or possibly recovered some control during the casing. I need to ease the heat off my shoulders, and give it to the adversary. If, in the following not many shots, the rival plays an awful security and leaves me that equivalent red, I may take it on. Why? Since by applying strain on my adversary to play a decent security, I’m turning the tension and control around. I don’t need my adversary to direct the terms constantly. I need to have a say also. It’s a significant highlight recall. The second we begin removing control from the adversary, they begin feeling tension and afterward they begin missing. That is the thing that we need.

Winning in snooker is about chances. Possibly they are for you, or against you and it’s the control and tension that you apply onto your rival and delivery from yourself that can regularly direct the provisions of how a match will end.

We should check out choice b now.

Choice B – You just scored 50 however there is 51 on (3 reds). You ran out of position and need to play a security now. One of the reds is not difficult to play protected from and would avoid it basically with regard to play tight on the pad, yet pottable for your rival.

Most snooker players would contemplate whether you should feel any strain whatsoever here. What are the possibilities your adversary could score now? In the event that you feel that this is a higher tension circumstance, you are most likely in dread of losing the edge despite the fact that the chances are in support of yourself. You are contemplating every one of the circumstances under which you could lose the edge and in the most pessimistic scenario, that the adversary would make a wonderful leeway.

What you really wanted to comprehend is that you are in charge. You currently direct the terms and your rival will feel a great deal of strain to score. In all actuality, the chances are totally in support of yourself.

Frequently, the dread we feel did not depend on honest data. A typical meaning of F.E.A.R, is False Evidence Appearing Real.

In the present circumstance, you wanted to comprehend that you are eliminating the strain on yourself by having scored a 50 break. For each point we score and improve outline winning positions, we move tension from ourselves onto our rival. Strain gets additionally applied when we can remain in charge of the table by playing a decent snare or snooker.

In Summary

I trust the situations above have featured something significant with regards to strain and control in snooker: either pressure is being applied upon you, or tension is being applied by you. It is possible that you are in charge, or your rival is in charge.

The best circumstance to be in, without a doubt, is to consistently be applying pressure and remaining in charge. In the end, it negatively affects your rival.

What happens when we STOP feeling pressure? We begin preparing balls and playing admirably. Our prompt activity turns out to be more liquid and normal. We quit seeing risk and begin seeing freedom. We get “into the zone” and we begin winning.

Strain and Control are instruments that you use. They are the draftsmen of your prosperity on the off chance that you realize how to utilize them.

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